What the Mean of Licensing Agreement

The term “driver`s license” has two meanings – one in general terms (e.B. a driver`s license) and the other in business and commerce. A license in its most general sense is “an authorization from an authority to own or use something.” A license agreement is a legal agreement between two parties, called a licensor and licensee. In a typical license agreement, Licensor grants Licensee the right to manufacture and sell goods, enforce a brand name or trademark, or use Licensor`s patented technologies. In return, the licensee generally submits to a set of terms and conditions for the use of the licensor`s property and agrees to make payments called royalties. In addition to detailing all parties involved, license agreements detail how licensed parties may use the real estate, including the following parameters: License agreements describe the terms under which one party may use another party`s property. While the properties in question may include a variety of elements, including real estate and personal effects, licensing agreements are most often used for intellectual property such as patents and trademarks, as well as copyrights for written materials and visual arts. Licensing of subsidiaries. The licensee may or may not be granted the right to allow another person to manufacture or sell his products. This depends on the specific terms of the license agreement. Exclusivity and territory. The licensee is granted the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the product in a specific territory.

Licensor agrees not to allow anyone to sell the Product in this territory. This part of the agreement is usually associated with a term. License. The license itself is described, with details on the deadlines for the period (one year?), the scope (US, world?) of the license and the assertion of exclusivity. Details of what the licensee can do with the license (manufacture of the products it uses, sale, sub-license, distribution and export, etc.). Most licensing agreements also address the issue of quality. For example, Licensor may include terms in the Agreement that require Licensee to provide prototypes of the Product, packaging models, and even occasional samples throughout the term of the Agreement. Of course, the best form of quality control is usually obtained before the fact – by carefully checking the reputation of the licensee. Another common provision on quality in licensing agreements concerns the procedure for disposing of unsold goods. If the items that remain in stock are sold as cheap imitations, it can damage the licensor`s reputation in the market. Hire a lawyer who has expertise in licensing agreements. These agreements are complicated and specific to each situation.

Many lawyers know how to create a general contract, but they may not know the details of licensing agreements. An IP lawyer could be a good place to start. In a typical license agreement, the licensor undertakes to provide the licensee with intellectual property rights such as the licensor`s technology, brand name or product creation know-how. In exchange for licensor`s intellectual property, licensee generally pays an upfront fee and/or license fee to the licensor. A licence fee is a continuing royalty paid for the right to use the licensor`s intellectual property. Coworking spaces use licensing agreements to rent their properties to companies. That is all that both sides want to add. For example, some license agreements include non-disclosure agreements. This clause would prevent the licensee from disclosing proprietary information or processes.

Most often, you will see intellectual property license agreements, electronic patents. B, trademarks and copyrighted material. Common copyrighted materials include music, movies, videos, and works of art. Although a license agreement does not give you ownership of another company`s property, you can use it as long as you follow the parameters described in the agreement. Non-Disclosure Agreement. Both parties undertake not to divulge trade secrets. This article describes the basic requirements for a successful license agreement. Competent legal and tax advice is required before entering into a license agreement in the United States. License agreements can also be used in real estate instead of leases.

In May 2018, Nestlé and Starbucks entered into a $7.15 billion coffee license agreement. Nestlé (licensee) has agreed to pay $7.15 billion in cash to Starbucks (the Licensor) for the exclusive rights to sell Starbucks products (single-serving coffee, tea, bean bags, etc.) worldwide through Nestlé`s global distribution network. In addition, Starbucks receives royalties on packaged coffees and teas sold by Nestlé. Unlike the sale of an asset, the licensor remains the final owner of the asset or methodology; Restricted rights of use in what Licensor owns are transferred, not ownership. The alternative to a license is the actual sale of the asset to the buyer, but most licensors still want to be owners so that they can operate the asset in the future or in other territories or applications. It is important for the licensee to acknowledge that, unlike full ownership, the license is only a set of rights that it receives with ownership of the entire set remaining in the licensor. There are certainly benefits to licensing your company`s assets, but be sure to consider these factors when creating a license agreement: Licensing affiliates could give the licensee permission to allow another company to use the licensed work. For example, if you are a movie producer and you license a song, you may still need to get permission to allow another entity to use the section of your movie where the song is played. Obligation of non-competition.

Licensor agrees not to allow anyone to compete with the License in the territory and period specified in the Agreement. Start and end of the agreement. Explain when the agreement is effective and when it ends. Describe the possibility of renegotiating and continuing the agreement at the end of the term. Specify the circumstances in which the agreement could end before the expiry of the term. What ultimately happens with ownership of the product (usually it is returned to the owner)? This article is only a general overview of license agreements; It is not intended to be complete and should not be used to prepare a legal document. Using a template that you find on the Internet is dangerous because it cannot meet certain laws and your own situation. The software license agreement appears in the [License Agreement] dialog box. Usually, the purpose of a license is that the licensor is passive and receives only royalties, while the licensee participates in the business or development and is free to operate as long as the royalties are paid and other criteria are met. Failure by licensee to comply with the license agreement usually results in termination of the license and payment of damages to the licensor.

A license agreement is a commercial agreement between two parties. The licensor (the seller of the license) owns the assets to be licensed and the licensee (the buyer) pays for the right to use the license. Licensee shall pay royalties to the Owner in exchange for the right to sell the Product or use the Technology. The benefits of licensing can be seen from two angles: the licensor and the licensee. .